June the 23d : getting forward

A good part of the deck ( coberta) has been removed. All the ribs in the front have been replaced. They are strengthened by the Contubals. Soon the deck posts will be in place.


Joél TERNOIR pays us a visit.


Joel, member of the board of chairmen of the association, paid us a visit at the shipyard. We had a thorough look at the work on the stem (contrarroda). 



September  the 4th, the work is going on...


During summer, the ribs (ESTEMENERAS), and the counter ribs (MEDIS) have been replaced. The stem and  counter  stem ( RODA DE PROA Y CONTRARRODA) also. Next step is to get along with the stern  ( RODA DE POPA), and  deck posts (BAOS).


      Blueprints for Idéal

Thanks to  Samuel VILLEVIELLE (in charge of saving the maritime heritage for the regional council), a student is drawing blueprints of IDEAL that we will be selling for all the boat lovers. On the picture, one can see the frame that helps taking down the dimensions. 



October, the 15th the work is shuffling along:

Gérard BERNADOU is the MESTRE d’AIXA (carpenter) who is supervising the work on IDÉAL. He has been sick lately and had to stay away from the shipyard.  He is pictured on this newspaper,  sitting in front of IDEAL. 


December 23rd, the work starts back...…


The COBERTA (the planking of the deck) has been removed. The oak wood for the deck posts is ready and the work on this major part of the ship is about to start. 



La RODA de POPA (stern) is ready to be set in place. Pay attention to the lug that will match a notch in the keel.


The RODA de POPA (stern) is at  post . Once it is perfectly planned, it will be bolted on the counter stern and driven through with a tube to receive the axle of the propeller. The keel will also be bolted on the RODA de POPA. 


restoration p.1

restoration p. 4

restoration p.2  



The catalan maritime patrimony

Idéal, the story...